Sermons from January 2024
The One In The Corner
Sometimes, we forget that we are called to name the evil in the world around us. Today’s Gospel reminds us that Jesus calls us in to name and claim those evils around us and ensure we aren’t missing those on the margins. Just as he spoke the name of the unclean spirit in the synagogue, we, too, must name the injustices of our times and work to uproot them. We are also being called to see those who are often left on the margins, those who might not be seen if we aren’t purposefully looking for them.
Christian Identity
What does it mean to be called by name by Jesus? To be asked to cast aside our worldly concerns to attend to the needs of others and become fishers of people. Our text today calls us to consider those very questions.
Wisdom Sayings
Each year, I collate all of the wisdom sayings that I have collected in the past 12 months and then share them with my congregation. What follows, is only a sample of those wisdom sayings for 2023.