Sermons from November 2023
Parables as Subversive Speech: Who is the Hero of the ‘Parable of the Talents’?
Matthew 25:14-30 Parable of the Talents Year A Proper 28 – 25th Sunday after Pentecost I grew up, at times, relatively poor, in a post-manufacturing town in southeastern Michigan. My parents divorced when I was ten, and my mother, without even a high school diploma, and battling medical and psychological health concerns, struggled to find meaningful work. While I knew we had a safety net in my extended family, there was little money, and we received at times welfare assistance.…
Are you prepared for what’s coming…..?
I’ll be quite honest with you, I wrestled with what I was going to preach on today. I’ve had a lot on my mind: end of tax season (will it ever end?), catching up on returning after 2 months away, keeping my clients happy at the beginning of the month, turning out reports and going to meetings. So I’ve procrastinated all week (well, really for several weeks) and haven’t been able to connect with the readings for today. And I’ll…
What is Love?
In our Gospel text for today, Jesus responds to the questions of the Pharisees and shares again the greatest law to love God with all of whom we are, then adds a way in which we can do that by loving our Neighbor as ourselves. While we’ve heard these teachings before, have we truly pondered what it means to love God? What does love in action towards God look like? Join us for a text that often leaves us with more questions than answers.