Sermons on Worship
Set Free the Sabbath
We all have moments in life that shift our perspective. How might finding a new perspective on the Sabbath shift yours?
Now Ignite Us With Your fire
It’s easy, living as we do in a beautiful and moderately prosperous place, to get lulled into an ‘easy peace’. Jesus challenges us, in the words of Bonhoeffer, to exchange ‘cheap grace’ for ‘costly grace’ – to understand the challenge of the peace of God.
The Kiss of God
We are grounded in the energy stream of the church which experiences God as one-in-three. I riff on St Bernard of Clauvaux’s idea that God is the kisser, Christ is the kissed and the Holy Spirit is the kiss – so we are filled with the kiss of God.
Coming Home
God comes to us as an honored guest, making their home in our hearts until we realize that we are invited to make our homes in God’s heart.
Resurrection, here and now
What if the spiritual realm is where everything is really happening and we are living a temporary existence in which the spiritual keeps breaking though rather like a daffodil breaking through the soil in the spring? And what if resurrection has totally happened on a spiritual level and is trying to break through and manifest in our lives every moment?
Being Like Chicks
God’s presence is everywhere, always creating the best possible options in every situation, even in the messiness of the war in Ukraine. But it is up to humanity to use its freewill to respond to the movement of God. We can do this through prayer. Not only can we do it but we have a responsibility to pray, and also to foster serenity as we trust that God will use our prayers to bring about the best possible solutions. We are as safe as chicks under their mother’s wing.
We are mortal
Tonight we remember that we are mortal. That we are made of stardust and to dust we shall return, carbon to carbon. And why do we do this, year after year? As if our unexpected aches and pains were not enough to remind us that we are mortal!
Treated as a Person The Rev. Susan Plucker
5th Sunday After Epiphany February 7, 2021 Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147: 1-12, 21c 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 Let us begin by hearing the voice of Mary Magdalene. Seven demons possessed my soul Seven Marys lived inside of me One Mary was chaste, another carnal, A Mary elated, a Mary tormented, A frightened Mary, a lone one, And one that hated God. I stood on the hill throughout the day. Watching the procession to Golgotha Seeing the crosses…
It’s Not our First Choice
Acts 1:6-14 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 John 17:1-11 I haven’t yet worked out how to show pictures while we are live-streaming, which is a shame because there are many, many paintings of the ascension that we could look at. You can Google them if you’re interested. Most of them show Jesus going straight up or doing an arabesque as he ascends. There are one or two which show the disciples looking at his feet, but the one that intrigues me…
The Cup
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash Mark 10:35-45 Not so long ago in a time not unlike this, people thought that there was only one point of view, only one way to see things. Then they found that it was possible to read the same thing but understand it in a number of different ways. So now, when we read the Bible we need to take into account the perspective from which we come. This is called the hermeneutic. For…
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