Sermons on Teaching of Jesus (Page 3)
God Sustains
Following Jesus does not guarantee an easy life, in fact the opposite but even in times of change, grief and difficulty God’s hand sustains God’s beloved.
Sometimes Jesus mixes his metaphors
Sometimes Jesus’ message seems to exclude more people than it includes, and it has been distorted to justify genocide, but by remembering that Jesus is also the Christ we can take his words less literally and more inclusively. We need to stand up against hatred masquerading as holiness.
Jesus The Friend
The Risen One is walking alongside us, as a friend, even if we
are unaware.
Maundy Thursday Sermon
Jesus joins the disciples for a meal, washes their feet, and provides a new commandment to them to love one another as Jesus has loved them, knowing all which was about to take place. Active love sets the tone for the coming days as we continue our holy journey together.
Jesus Wept
We see God’s fierce love for us through the prophetic imagination of Ezekiel and encounter the humanity of Christ as he weeps for his friend Lazarus. When have you experienced Christ in the world in new or surprising ways this week?
God blesses the small
Episcopal churches are small. But size is not what is important in God’s
Community and Compassion
Intention as well as actions matter in community life.
Fulfilling the Law – a Paradox
Jesus says not one little bit of the law may be ignored, but Paul said that we are no longer under the law. Who is right?
Getting Back to Jesus of Nazareth
Bishop Michael Curry has encouraged us to get back to Jesus of Nazareth to counter Christina Nationalism and other ideologies that conflate Christianity with political agendas. What could be more “Jesus of Nazareth” than the Beatitudes?
The Lamb in your Telescope
The Webb Space Telescope is bringing us many new images of the universe and changing the way we understand it. In a similar way, John the Baptizer gave us the image of Jesus as the Lamb of God and that has influenced our understanding ever since.