Sermons on Teaching of Jesus (Page 2)

The Dark Night of the Soul

I don’t know what storms you and your loved ones are facing, what darkness you and your loved ones feel surrounded by, but I do know this: before you even have the chance to pray, “Lord, save me,” Jesus is already by your side, holding you up, so you can walk back to the boat together.

Why not us?

In our gospel text for today, Matthew recounts the commissioning of the disciples and Jesus sending them out to heal and do important work. Hearing that the work they are called to is difficult and thus should travel light, we hear our own call to discipleship. As we listen for God’s call in our lives or see the need for response in our communities, maybe the response to that prayer is our own call to act as disciples of Jesus.

The Light and the Breath of the Spirit

There are two different accounts of the coming of the Holy Spirit and the gap between the two is the place that the Holy Spirit enters… we need the action of the Day of Pentecost but just as much we need the gentle breath of Jesus.

God Sustains

Following Jesus does not guarantee an easy life, in fact the opposite but even in times of change, grief and difficulty God’s hand sustains God’s beloved.

Sometimes Jesus mixes his metaphors

Sometimes Jesus’ message seems to exclude more people than it includes, and it has been distorted to justify genocide, but by remembering that Jesus is also the Christ we can take his words less literally and more inclusively. We need to stand up against hatred masquerading as holiness.

Maundy Thursday Sermon

Jesus joins the disciples for a meal, washes their feet, and provides a new commandment to them to love one another as Jesus has loved them, knowing all which was about to take place. Active love sets the tone for the coming days as we continue our holy journey together.

Jesus Wept

We see God’s fierce love for us through the prophetic imagination of Ezekiel and encounter the humanity of Christ as he weeps for his friend Lazarus. When have you experienced Christ in the world in new or surprising ways this week?