Sermons on Teaching of Jesus (Page 2)
Peace be with you
In our text for today, we encounter Jesus appearing to the disciples in an effort to assuage their fear. Jesus greets them with Peace be with you and asks for something to eat. As the encounter continues, we see the path of development for the disciples from fear to faith
Alleluia, Christ has risen. Let the light of Christ illuminate your path for us, Creator, redeemer, and sustainer. Amen As a part of my ordination process, I interned as a hospital Chaplain. It was an intense experience, to say the least, yet taught me a great deal about pastoral care, myself, grief, and caring for the dead and dying. One of the many moments of learning that will always stay with me from that time came from an interaction I…
Easter Vigil
On this most Holy of nights, we hear the ancient texts with open hearts, renew our Baptismal vows, and let the wisdom of the ancients preach far better than we could on our own.
Maundy Thursday
As we begin the triduum, we meet Jesus and his disciples for their last supper as Jesus shares a new commandment and guidance for his friends as he continues to explain soon they will need to figure out life without him here on earth.
Forgiveness: Healing the Hurts We Don’t Deserve
In today’s gospel story, Peter asks Jesus, how often should he forgive? Jesus replies: “77 times.” Yowza-77 times!!! Is he serious? Most of us are just beginners when it comes to the act of forgiving.
This week, Matthew’s gospel turns to Jesus teaching his disciples what it will mean for him to be the Messiah and the hard road ahead. While this text introduces the idea of suffering into the life of discipleship as followers of Christ, we are also called to ask how we move out of God’s way, out of our own way in developing lives of faith and communities that serve God, each other and the communities around us.
Who do you say that I am?
We encounter a shift in the flow of Matthew’s Gospel this Sunday and hear Jesus talk about all the people and profits others say Jesus may be, but the important question to his disciples and us was, who do you say that I am? As we move through our own lives as followers of Christ, what stories and narratives do we craft of who Jesus was, is, and continues to be in our lives?
Cultivating Mercy
Mercy! Mercy is something that is in short supply today. Mercy is showing compassion or forgiveness towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or ignore. Mercy is an act of kindness that springs forth from a generous heart.
The Dark Night of the Soul
I don’t know what storms you and your loved ones are facing, what darkness you and your loved ones feel surrounded by, but I do know this: before you even have the chance to pray, “Lord, save me,” Jesus is already by your side, holding you up, so you can walk back to the boat together.
Why not us?
In our gospel text for today, Matthew recounts the commissioning of the disciples and Jesus sending them out to heal and do important work. Hearing that the work they are called to is difficult and thus should travel light, we hear our own call to discipleship. As we listen for God’s call in our lives or see the need for response in our communities, maybe the response to that prayer is our own call to act as disciples of Jesus.