Sermons on Spiritual Life (Page 30)

Wrestling with God

Jacob’s story: Jacob’s story takes up 25 chapters in Genesis. (It’s a family saga, and it’s also a Biblical soap opera.) Today’s reading: Jacob is still traveling, and preparing to meet his brother Esau again; even after many years, he‟s still afraid of what Esau may do to him and his family. (Whatever Esau chooses to do, Jacob knows he deserves it.) Wrestling with fear: Jacob doesn’t sleep, but wrestles all night with the unknown that waits for him in…

Love in the Kindom

There is a similar focus in the Old Testament when God persistently calls those who are younger or in some way less important to lead the people. Israel itself was a small nation in comparison with its neighbors. St Benedict’s is a small church. The reign of God is here. The reign of God is very small; it is the mustard seed as well as the zillions of mustard plants that grow from that seed. It is also hidden. We…

Time to Update!

Genesis 22:1-14 Psalm 13 Romans 6:12-23 Matthew 10:40-42 Why did God tell Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? The traditional way to read this story that God wanted to test Abraham’s faith, to see if he was really willing to sacrifice his son to God… Does that sound like the God that Jesus talked about? Does that sound like the God who is love? Not so much. Many contemporary scholars read it rather differently. They see this story as a pivotal point…

Losing in Christ

Genesis 21:8-21 Romans 6:1b-11 Matthew 10:24-39 I am very grateful to have colleagues with whom to share the sometimes daunting privilege of preaching. When I looked at this morning’s readings, I wished that one of them had offered to preach today! These are tough readings. Our Old Testament readings this summer follow the saga of Abraham and Sarah, the great ancestors of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Today we heard the disturbing story of Hagar and Ishmael. Although God had promised…

Wobbling but not Falling

Almost every week I talk with my dear friend Rebecca in Scotland. Sometimes when I ask how she’s doing she says “I had a major wobble this week.” A major wobble. A major wobble is when things seem to get out of control and temporarily beyond our emotional capacity to handle. In some ways, I think we at St Ben’s have been having a major wobble. Two of our beloved members have died in the last few months – Elizabeth…

Living as if Easter is Real

When I was a growing up we didn’t have Easter egg hunts. People in Britain give each other large hollow foil-covered chocolate eggs, often filled with candy. I think I was eight the Easter I had chicken-pox and I got a bumper crop of Easter eggs. I never had so many before or since. Yesterday I happened to be briefly at an Easter Egg Hunt. There was a separate section for the little ones, where eggs lay totally unconcealed and…


1 CORINTHIANS 3: 1-9      Holy One, let my words be clear to those who listen to them as they come from my heart.  In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Hey, check out the palace on the top of hill—what a view! We are fortunate to have a roof over our heads when there are so many sleeping in the streets.  And look what’s out in front of that palace. …