Sermons on Spiritual Life (Page 3)

The 12th Sunday After Pentecost

May I speak in the Name of the Holy, Living, and Undivided Trinity, One God, now and forever, Amen. Good morning! It is a joy to be here with you and to worship here with you today. These Ministry or Liturgy of the Word services have marked a special time in our parish life, and I’m not saying or suggesting that we won’t still have them from time to time going forward, but I think it’s fair to say that…

Bread of Life

In today’s Gospel, we begin John’s Bread of Life discourse and are called to sit with the confusion of those who have gathered as Jesus begins to teach them what it means to be a people of faith, yet realize they are not ready to hear the full message so leaves them and us to wonder what might come next. Asking us to sit with the question, have we come only for the bread or to follow Jesus?


Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6  Proper 11/B   7/21/24 By the Rev. Karen Faye Siegfriedt “Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! Says the Lord.” (Jer. 23:1)  WOE is the operating word in today’s reading from the prophet Jeremiah.  Woe is translated from the Hebrew word HOY ( הוֹי).  This word expresses dissatisfaction, pain, grief, affliction, wretchedness, calamity, or trouble.  Woe can be used as an exclamation of judgment on others or misfortune on oneself.  It can be used…

Travel Light

In our text for today, we find Jesus being rejected in his hometown, resulting in the authorization of his disciples to go on to continue their work in his place.

Mustard Seeds

There is so much to love about the parables. They are so on the ground. With the Parable of the Mustard Seed Jesus seems to want us to get the idea about the kingdom of God by using the most relatable elements – like seeds. Certainly, the people listening to him two thousand years ago would have first-hand experiences with yeast and salt and pruning and planting. We modern folks might feel a bit removed from the earthiness of his…

The Demons within

Today we celebrate Pride Sunday. Our text for today asks us to examine ourselves, do the deep spiritual work of unlearning that which keeps us from loving ourselves and our neighbors as God loves us. To ensure our house is not divided.

Trinity Sunday

Today, we celebrate the feast day for Trinity Sunday and hear the beginning of the story of Nicodemus. While the Trinity remains an unknown mystery in many ways, we can connect to the befuddlement of Nicodemus as we hear the good news of God’s unyielding love for us.

Into the Unknown

In our text for today, we hear Jesus’ intersession for the disciples before his ascension. After this time, the disciples must continue their work without Jesus’ physical presence. Entering into an unknown period of waiting until the time when Jesus returns again.