Sermons on Spiritual Life (Page 11)
Set Free the Sabbath
We all have moments in life that shift our perspective. How might finding a new perspective on the Sabbath shift yours?
Now Ignite Us With Your fire
It’s easy, living as we do in a beautiful and moderately prosperous place, to get lulled into an ‘easy peace’. Jesus challenges us, in the words of Bonhoeffer, to exchange ‘cheap grace’ for ‘costly grace’ – to understand the challenge of the peace of God.
Walking in Faith
Faith is a slippery concept – what does it actually mean to have faith? To believe several impossible things, to give intellectual assent to the existence of God, or something else entirely?
Diversity among Christians
Significant differences of opinion exist among Christians about a number of issues including the full inclusion of LGBTQ people. The differences among Anglicans also relate to colonization and the oppression of native peoples. Yet we are all one and the same in Christ.
Prayer that Sustains
Why did the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray? What were they looking for? Perhaps prayer that sustains and refreshes…
2022 Woman of the Year – Rev. Dr. Caro Hall
It may seem that we are just a small community on the edge of the left coast, with little power or sway, but my friends we are also a beacon of hope.
There are many legendary stories about St. Benedict of Nursia, and one of my favorites is the one about an encounter between Benedict and twin sister Scholastica one stormy night. As the story goes … (Tell the story) As I mentioned, there are many legendary stories about the life of Benedict, a man who developed a monastic Rule of Life that has endured for over fifteen hundred years and has been a primary source of inspiration for western monasticism since…
Restored to our Right Mind
Jesus’ healing of the man possessed by demons, is a story of salvation, experienced here as the restoration of personal autonomy and freedom.
Proclaiming Peace
Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the reign of God and peace to the cities and homes they visited. What if we were to take that seriously?
Turning Points
While Jesus was not received in the Samaritan village as James and John had expected them to be Jesus responded with calm and non-violence.