Sermons on Spiritual Life (Page 11)

Now Ignite Us With Your fire

It’s easy, living as we do in a beautiful and moderately prosperous place, to get lulled into an ‘easy peace’. Jesus challenges us, in the words of Bonhoeffer, to exchange ‘cheap grace’ for ‘costly grace’ – to understand the challenge of the peace of God.

Walking in Faith

Faith is a slippery concept – what does it actually mean to have faith? To believe several impossible things, to give intellectual assent to the existence of God, or something else entirely?

Diversity among Christians

Significant differences of opinion exist among Christians about a number of issues including the full inclusion of LGBTQ people. The differences among Anglicans also relate to colonization and the oppression of native peoples. Yet we are all one and the same in Christ.

Turning Points

While Jesus was not received in the Samaritan village as James and John had expected them to be Jesus responded with calm and non-violence.