Sermons on Missions (Page 2)
Ascension, and This Week’s News
David Brooks writes in the New York Times ” How much will the pummeling act of experiencing the news these days lead to empathy erosion? Where will the forces of re-humanization come from?” The Church is called to be that re-humanizing force as the ascended Cosmic Christ lives through us, the Body of Christ.
A Call to Love!
Reading: John 21:1-19; Easter 3/C By the Rev. Karen Faye Siegfried When you woke up this morning, did you remember it was the third Sunday of Easter, that joyful season when we celebrate resurrection, new life, and a renewed hope for the future? If so, perhaps you pulled back the covers, placed your feet on the floor and exclaimed, “Alleluia, Christ is risen” or quietly murmured, “Today is a good day to have a great day!” Maybe as you made…
The Entire Universe is Standing on Tiptoe
“The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters!” Wow! The entire universe is waiting for us to get our act together?
Holy Living
Are the beatitudes in Luke still relevant? If Jesus were teaching us today would he leave any out? or add anything? I suggest that he would focus more on social justice and creation care.
Disciple, Apostle, Prophet
What is your calling? Are you called to be a prophet like Isaiah, a disciple like Simon, James and John, or an apostle like Paul? I think we are called ot be all three – to learn form Jesus, to share God’s grace with others and to be active in working for social and racial justice.
Even the Tax Man gets called.
Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash
A Prophet In Their Own Home
Ezekiel 2:1-52 Corinthians 12:2-10Mark 6:1-13 “Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house.” That is a saying that resonates from my childhood – I can’t be sure but I think my mother quoted it when she was feeling under-appreciated. But I doubt that she actually saw herself as a prophet. We tend to think of prophets as those who utter prophecy, and prophecy as saying what will happen in…
Question Authority
Mark 1:21-28 Remember the bumper sticker that was popular for a while – “question authority”? The founding of this nation comes out of rebellion, out of questioning the authority of the British and the French and it is a strong strand in our collective psyche. Here in Los Osos we questioned the authority of the Regional Quality Water Board for decades, and even St. Ben’s once challenged the authority of the diocese. So questioning authority is nothing new to us.…
Acts 2:1-21 John 14:8-17, (25-27) It’s always a little tricky doing a sermon series as we have been during Eastertide, because you never know whether the readings for the day will help or hinder your theme. Today they mesh perfectly because we have reached Go on the sevenfold Way of Love. In addition to each of the seven movements being inter-related, Turn and Learn form a pair as do Prayer and Worship, and now Bless and Go. Last week Barry…
The Reign of Christ
Revelation 1:4b-8 John 18:33-37 I am glad to be home after a rapid visit to my family in the UK. Of course, one person I did not see was my brother Richard who died quite a while back. Every Christmas, Richard faithfully sent out a Christmas letter with the normal kind of information about his family’s activities. But Richard was not an optimist. Every year he told us that things were so bad that the end of the world was…