Sermons on Life of Christ (Page 3)
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Getting Back to Jesus of Nazareth
Bishop Michael Curry has encouraged us to get back to Jesus of Nazareth to counter Christina Nationalism and other ideologies that conflate Christianity with political agendas. What could be more “Jesus of Nazareth” than the Beatitudes?
The Lamb in your Telescope
The Webb Space Telescope is bringing us many new images of the universe and changing the way we understand it. In a similar way, John the Baptizer gave us the image of Jesus as the Lamb of God and that has influenced our understanding ever since.
Unity is not uniformity
Conflict is sure to happen when intelligent and creative people get together and try to create anything, especially a faith community. What keeps us together is not ignoring the conflict but finding our unity in following Jesus’ model of loving respect and listening for God’s purpose.
Intentional but unexpected
God’s mission is the light coming into the world and dispelling the darkness, but God’s intention, unexpected as it is, is that we are the ones to make that happen.
the Christ had superpowers
The Christ or Messiah was a superhero who had been anticipated by the prophets but he didn’t have any of the normal superpowers – he couldn’t fly or make himself invisible or shape-shift. His superpower was something quite different.
It’s All About Power!
Readings: Jeremiah 23:1-6; Luke 23:33-43 It’s all about power! Who has it! What it looks like! And how it is executed! On this Feast Day of Christ the King, power is the subject of today’s sermon. On October 31, 1922, Benito Mussolini and his Black Shirts marched into Rome. Mussolini was a fascist, meaning someone who claims to speak for a whole nation or group, is utterly unconcerned with the rights of others, and is willing to use violence…
The Miracle
Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God – it takes a miracle! Today we see that miracle in the story of Zacchaeus which illustrates three movements of the Spirit in our lives.
The Feast of St Francis
Luke 12:22-32 Good morning, St Bens. It is so nice to be back with you today. Reverend Caro has chosen 3 wonderful readings for today as we celebrate the feast of St Francis. Last time we were here it was the feast of St Benedict’s and now St Francis – what a lovely opportunity to be with this community that clearly seeks to live inspired by both of these saints. I have to say something about this first reading from…
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Psalm 1 Isaac the Syrian Luke 14:25-33 Welcome to the first Sunday in the Season of Creation which we celebrate during September. This is a bitter-sweet time because we get to thank and praise God for the never-ending wonders of God’s creation at the same time that we grieve humanity’s failure to adequately care for it. It is the same drama of God’s faithfulness, our failure and the call to repentance and newness of life that we see…
Whose Sacrifice?
Hebrews talks about “our sacrifice of praise” – how do we understand sacrifice today? Since God is love, why does God require sacrifice, if they do?