Sermons on Life of Christ (Page 10)
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The Intersection of Cosmic and Mundane
John 1:1-18 My sister is an excellent preacher. Although we are different in many ways, we also both tend towards procrastination and dislike housework. We joke that if one of us is cleaning, it is a sure sign that we have a sermon to write. So it will not surprise you that at my allotted sermon preparation time yesterday I found myself cleaning a car mat which had suffered from a particularly sticky holiday food event. As I worked, I…
Making Room for Baby
Photo by Filip Mroz on Many of you know Sarah. She’s expecting to become a grandmother any time now. Last week, the baby was in the wrong position so the doctors decided to do a C section on Monday but when the family arrived at the hospital they discovered that baby had moved into the normal position. But a day or two later baby moved back and so they went back to the hospital for a C section but…
God is Persistent but never Pushy
I always have a little bit of trouble knowing what to say in my sermons at Christmas. After all, you all know this story already. And most of you have heard as many Christmas sermons as there were angels in the heavenly host! So this year, I enrolled in a Christmas Preaching Bootcamp. It seemed a good idea. I figured I would get some new ideas and y’all might get a better sermon. But there was one thing I didn’t…
We can, with God’s help
Photo by Jordan Rowland on Unsplash Mark 12:38-44 God of all Goodness, may we daily perceive the joy and wonder of your abiding presence, and offer our lives in gratitude for our redemption. Amen. Let me just take this opportunity to say that it’s great to be back here with all of you again for my second and final year of field education and my final year at the School for Deacons. You are a loving community of faithful, compassionate…
Could the Blind lead the Blind? – Carol Brubaker Walton
Photo: The Blind Leading the Blind by Lee McLaughlin Text: Mark 10:46-52 As I began this sermon, I was reminded that keeping oneself informed about world, national and local news can be exhausting. One theologian (prior to the computer age) said preaching needed to happen with the Scriptures in one hand and a newspaper in the other. I’m sure some of you will recall the name of that theologian. If so, you are invited to call it out now. [pause]…
The Cup
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash Mark 10:35-45 Not so long ago in a time not unlike this, people thought that there was only one point of view, only one way to see things. Then they found that it was possible to read the same thing but understand it in a number of different ways. So now, when we read the Bible we need to take into account the perspective from which we come. This is called the hermeneutic. For…
1 Kings 19: 8b – 15 Matthew 17: 1-13 As many of you know, I love the mountains. Being able to be in the Sierra gives me great joy. And so I am delighted that it is Mountain Sunday and I can share some of my holiday photos with you. Most of them are actually of the lakes, trees and boulders that we find in our mountains. Mountains are important in Scripture – Mt Sinai and Mt Horeb were very…
Eating Jesus
Today we complete our five week study of Jesus as the Bread of Life and the gospel reading tells us that we are not the only ones who struggle with this – the disciples also found it difficult. In fact, some who were following him turned away. Jesus said, “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.” We hear this same language when Jesus talks about himself as the true vine. And…
Eat Me!
Photo By Kate Remmer on Unsplash Ephesians 4:1-16 John 6:24-35 I think I was in my first year at seminary when I preached my first sermon at St. Benedict’s. It was on some part of this passage in John about eating the true bread. I had worked hard on trying to explain what Jesus was saying and thought I did a pretty good job. Afterwards, Bob Pelfrey came up to me and said some nice things about the sermon, and…
It is I: be not afraid
Photo by Brian Cook on Unsplash John 6:1-21 I really don’t like being hungry. I’ll do a lot to avoid even the possibility of hunger. And I don’t like to think of those I love being hungry. In today’s gospel reading, I’d be the one who made sure that my kid had plenty of food with him when he went off to follow the great teacher and healer. All four gospels contain this story; the story of the 5000 hungry people. But today…