Sermons by Rev. Jen Crompton (Page 4)
Would Jesus be welcome at our table?
In today’s sermon, I share a little about our tabling experience at Pride and the message of our Gospel, which provides examples of mercy and discipleship in the stories of Matthew’s call, a woman’s healing, and the humble request of a leader. These acts of faith from those on the outer circle of society in Jesus’ time remind us of how expansive Jesus’ table truly is as he welcomes them in and shows us what it means to answer Jesus’ invitation to “follow me.”
Maundy Thursday Sermon
Jesus joins the disciples for a meal, washes their feet, and provides a new commandment to them to love one another as Jesus has loved them, knowing all which was about to take place. Active love sets the tone for the coming days as we continue our holy journey together.
Jesus Wept
We see God’s fierce love for us through the prophetic imagination of Ezekiel and encounter the humanity of Christ as he weeps for his friend Lazarus. When have you experienced Christ in the world in new or surprising ways this week?
Community and Compassion
Intention as well as actions matter in community life.
The transformation of Suffering
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, oh Holy one. For those of you that may not know, I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed at 19 with a brain tumor, and it has been a very integral part of my life and spiritual journey. I mentioned one of my recurrences in a previous sermon. It’s been a long journey so gives me a lot of material to work with.…
Prayer in Action
Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, oh God, please be seated. Before going to seminary, I worked in Higher Education. I was an administrator, but I also advised the Queer and Trans student group on campus. Working with those students brought a great deal of joy to my life and taught me a lot, not only about my own identity but kept me current on culture and what was really…
Set Free the Sabbath
We all have moments in life that shift our perspective. How might finding a new perspective on the Sabbath shift yours?
Turning Points
While Jesus was not received in the Samaritan village as James and John had expected them to be Jesus responded with calm and non-violence.