The story of the ancient people of God is our story too – will we let it just be a story or hear it with the ears of our hearts and choose to be transformed into Christ?
Maundy Thursday Sermon
Jesus joins the disciples for a meal, washes their feet, and provides a new commandment to them to love one another as Jesus has loved them, knowing all which was about to take place. Active love sets the tone for the coming days as we continue our holy journey together.
Jesus Wept
We see God’s fierce love for us through the prophetic imagination of Ezekiel and encounter the humanity of Christ as he weeps for his friend Lazarus. When have you experienced Christ in the world in new or surprising ways this week?
God blesses the small
Episcopal churches are small. But size is not what is important in God’s
God in the Desert
God travels with us but it doesn’t mean that the path will always be easy or comfortable.
Go to be a blessing
When God calls Abram to leave his family and home and set out in faith God promises that Abram will be a blessing. God promises that when we set out in faith, leaving behind the familiar and comfortable, we too will be a blessing.
It is the distorted desire of humanity that separates us from God and one another: it is the desire of God that brings life and flourishing.
On Hubris, Humility and being Human
We mark ourselves with ashes as a reminder that we are human and the path to a deeper walk with God is through humility rather than hubris.
The Language of Love
Jesus doesn’t just tell us to love, or teach us to love, Jesus IS love. And we are God’s beloved, shining like suns.
Community and Compassion
Intention as well as actions matter in community life.