Sermon Archive (Page 18)

Your Inner Hammock

My car needs cleaning. Not so much the outside but the inside. I have been transporting stuff that I haven’t figured out where to put and also my golf clubs because then they’re there when I need them. Then I dropped a bag of Indian snacks that I was busy snacking on, and all those little yellow bits fell between the seats, And then just the other day I had to pick up a microwave from Best Buy. I thought…

Responding to the Needs of the Moment

Luke 14:27-33 I have heard tell of a spiritual master who cultivates bonsai trees. He has many pots of miniature trees and he tends each one carefully, adjusting its branches, pruning a little here and holding up a bit there. And every one of his bonsai trees represents one of his disciples, and as he is forming the tree so he is forming the disciple. St. Benedict was big on formation – the process whereby we move from the sinful…

A Prophet In Their Own Home

Ezekiel 2:1-52 Corinthians 12:2-10Mark 6:1-13 “Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown, and among their own kin, and in their own house.” That is a saying that resonates from my childhood – I can’t be sure but I think my mother quoted it when she was feeling under-appreciated. But I doubt that she actually saw herself as a prophet.  We tend to think of prophets as those who utter prophecy, and prophecy as saying what will happen in…

God of Chaos

This year most of our gospel lessons are taken from Mark’s gospel. Although it is the second gospel in our New Testament, scholars agree that it was the first one to be written down. Each of the gospel writers uses a different lens in thinking about Jesus’ life and teachings. Mark’s project is to show that Jesus is God by emphasizing his power over demons, sickness, and in todays’ reading, over the forces of nature. As is clear from the…

All will be forgiven.

Do you remember the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral?  In one of the weddings, comedian Rowan Atkinson plays a young priest who gets his words muddled and concludes a prayer with the words, “in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Goat”. Determined not to make the same mistake a second time, at the end of the wedding he blesses the congregation in the name of, “The Father the Son and the Holy Spigot.” Was…

Trinity 2021

The great gift that we get as Trinitarian Christians is the understanding that God lives in community. The Trinity is three persons not just one person playing three roles. It’s as difficult for us to understand as it is for a one celled amoeba to understand the cellular complexity of a human being.

Pentecost 2021

Aren’t these wonderful readings? Pentecost is right up there with Easter and even Christmas as a celebration of the amazing and astounding coming of God to heal God’s world. At Christmas we remember the God-child born in poverty, at Easter we celebrate that the new life which has come into the world is not subject to death and now, here at Pentecost, we celebrate the fullness of God with God’s people. The Greek text has a play on the words…