The Wolf of Gubbio
Photo by Grégoire Bertaud on Unsplash
Environmental devastation is not new to humans. In the early settlements of what became Massachusetts, the forests were nearly demolished because of the conversion of trees toward building and fuel. Primarily fuel, I would think. Today they are replenished, very likely because fuel now comes from fossil sources and wood comes from other parts of the planet. It’s a mixed story. Those of us of a certain age might recall when the Cuyahoga River in Pennsylvania caught fire…
Season of Creation – Abundance Deuteronomy 8:7-18; Psalm 19; Revelation 22:1-5; Matthew 6:25-34 My preaching assignment today, during this Season of Creation, is to talk about Abundance. It is my abundant pleasure to do so. It is also abundantly daunting! In English, the words “abundance” and “undulation” are related. You can hear it. The shared letters between the two mean “wave.” And whereas undulation means “waviness”, abundance means “from a wave.” So when we talk about abundance, there is one…
Small Wonders
You can find the PDF of the sermon below: Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash
What has been prepared for us?
To read today’s Sermon please download the PDF. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
The Bread of Life
The 13th Sunday After Pentecost Proper 16 – Year B Berkeley D. Johnson, III Good morning! We find ourselves, once again, and for the third week in a row, in the 6th chapter of the Gospel According to John, where Jesus speaks of himself as the Bread of Life, or the Bread from Heaven. Someone – and it’s not just the lectionary redactors – is trying to send us a message, so let’s take one more look at it before…
Another Kind of Christian Life
Rev. Brian Stein-Webber Pentecost 12 John 6:1-58 St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church, Los Osos One of the marks of a Christian person is adherence to a certain set of beliefs. For Episcopalians and Lutherans, to take two, this means coinciding our belief with the historical creeds, the Apostles’, the Nicene, the Athanasian. This type of faith is a matter of cognitive assent, if you understand what I’m saying. It goes into our brains and out of our brains. I remember…
God In The Flesh
Proper 14B 1 Kings 19:4-8 Ephesians 4:25-5:2 John 6:35, 41-51 The Rev. Susan Plucker August 8, 2021 Our scripture readings begin this morning with The prophet Elijah alone and literally exhausted to death. Elijah has been battling for God against the dark forces Of Queen Jezebel and her priests of the god Baal. Elijah and God have won. The priests of Baal are all…
The Work of God
Ephesians 4:1-16John 6:24-35 I recently called a carpet cleaner. I had three possible times to get the carpets in Jill’s office cleaned and I was looking for someone who could come at one of those specific times. I started with a Los Osos company. Jerry answered and said “Now don’t I know you?” I didn’t think so but said that we had met when he had cleaned these carpets before. He paused and said something like, “You’re the wife of…