Sermon Archive (Page 12)

Diversity among Christians

Significant differences of opinion exist among Christians about a number of issues including the full inclusion of LGBTQ people. The differences among Anglicans also relate to colonization and the oppression of native peoples. Yet we are all one and the same in Christ.

Turning Points

While Jesus was not received in the Samaritan village as James and John had expected them to be Jesus responded with calm and non-violence.

The Kiss of God

We are grounded in the energy stream of the church which experiences God as one-in-three. I riff on St Bernard of Clauvaux’s idea that God is the kisser, Christ is the kissed and the Holy Spirit is the kiss – so we are filled with the kiss of God.

Being the Good News

Just as the church in Acts had to face situations they had never experienced before, so we today are faced with new challenges to be the good news in the power of the Holy Spirit.