The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker

The Rev. Linzi Stahlecker

I was born and raised in London, England and I moved to the United States in 2001.

I was an outspoken atheist for most of my adult life, but came back to the church after a life-altering conversion experience!

For the past 23 years, I lived in Seattle, WA with my spouse, Troy, and our three children. I went to seminary there, at the School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University, and I did my Clinical Pastoral Education at Harborview Medical Center.

Before moving to San Luis Obispo, I served as Cathedral Canon and Associate to the Rector at Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle.

I truly believe that our call into faith is a call into fullness of life, and into deepening awareness of what it is to be free. As Church, we’re invited to cultivate our relationship with God and one another by committing to a life of ongoing transformation in Christ, by learning how to love and trust, through friendship and service, sacrament, creativity, liturgy and prayer.

Life in Christ is a life of love made visible in our welcome, connection, inclusion, and our striving for justice – and church is where we practice.

Come practice with us. I look forward to meeting you!

Music Director
Paul Burkle