Celeste Pennington

Celeste Pennington

From Manhattan through Minnesota to Morro Bay. A direct route with a lot of excitement along the way. Traveling around our country, in Europe and South America. Watching my tech skills evolve from typing on mimeograph stencils to designs on ‘pages’ and from operating a telephone switchboard to navigating a cell phone. Teaching. Conducting retreats. Building a career as a psychotherapist and spiritual director. Picking up hobbies like bicycling, collecting pieces of glass and stone from every shoreline I ever walked, sewing, knitting, weaving with beads, wool, sweetgrass, willow, pine needles. Developing invaluable friendships that span time and space. Thriving with the consistent love and companionship of my three children and 2 grandchildren. (Ask me about twins!) In the summer of 2009, I moved from the shore of Lake Superior to Morro Bay. 20 years before, when a move was nowhere near the radar, I’d stated out loud, “If ever I move to CA, it will be to MB.” This seems to be a promise fulfilled. Even I’m surprised!!
