Climate Church, Climate World – A Study Guide

Climate Church, Climate World – A Study Guide

This study guide has been developed by members of St. Benedict’s Earthcare for our own use and to share with any other congregation who would benefit from a six-week study of Jim Antal’s book, Climate Church, Climate World; How People of Faith Must Work for Change. We strongly recommend that every member of the study group reads the book for themselves.

If you would prefer us to email the pdf file to you, please let us know at

Each week includes a link to a short video which introduces the subject for the session. The video for session 4 is available here:

We would love to hear if you use this guide and your suggestions for improvement.


  1. Don Maruska

    This is a wonderful program! Faith communities offer great opportunities to engage people in climate action. Thank you!!!

  2. Bill Shreve

    St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Mountain View used this book study to begin our discussions of Creation Care in January 2020. It was a wonderful way to launch a team of individuals to work on impacting climate change. We strongly recommend this study. Thank you Earthcare at St. Benedict’s!

  3. Grant and Norma Voth

    At St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Pacific Grove, we will be doing a six-week course on Jim Antal’s book, using your study guide–for which we are very grateful. Our course will run parallel with your fall offering. Ours begins on Wednesday, September 8. We are planning on giving your course a plug in ours, and if you wish you may reciprocate. It can’t hurt that two churches in the diocese are taking on the climate question at the same time. Thank you for all the time and work you saved us by providing the study guide for the Antal book.

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