Benediction Weekly – November 17th ⛪

Benediction Weekly – November 17th ⛪


ABUNDANCE SHOP– Thrift shop at 2025 9th St. (If you would like to volunteer, please contact at (805) 528-1370)
COMMUNITY DINNER – Providing and serving food at SBCC, on 1st Thursday of odd-numbered months, in conjunction with Los Osos Cares.
EARTHCARE – Zoom 3rd Wednesdays 3pm. Discussion/action group seeking spiritual and practical solutions to environmental concerns. MEN’S GROUP – Morning social gathering, 3rd Saturdays – 9am at Celia’s Garden Cafe.
HEALING SERVICE – FACEBOOK – A time for prayers for healing at the 10:30  service on 5th Sundays.
HOLLISTER INSTITUTE – Opportunities for stimulating discussion and thoughtful exploration on Tuesdays at 10:15am on Zoom.
LAUNDRY LOVE – Helping low-income families with funds, soap, and friendly assistance at Osos Clean Laundry. 11-1pm and 4-6pm on last Wednesdays
PEOPLE’S KITCHEN – Providing and serving lunch at 40 Prado, 1st  Saturday of even-numbered months
VESPERS AND CONVERSATION  – Zoom –  5:30 pm Tuesdays

VESTRY / PARISH COUNCIL – ZOOM –  3rd Sundays at 12:30pm.          

  • Maureen Titus, Presiding Warden
  • Lisa Gonzalez, Treasurer
  • Berkeley Johnson, People’s Warden
  • Pamela Bleisch
  • Cathy Gildea
  • Esta Kandarian
  • Michael Lucas
  • Brian Spolarich
  • Sandy Fisher

We are grateful for God’s financial providence and blessing. Thank you for making your offerings by mail to our PO Box, or on-line.