Benediction Weekly – Feb 25th ⛪

Benediction Weekly – Feb 25th ⛪


ABUNDANCE SHOP– Thrift shop at 2025 9th St. (If you would like to volunteer, please contact at (805) 528-1370)
COMMUNITY DINNER – Providing and serving food at SBCC, on 1st Thursday of odd-numbered months, in conjunction with Los Osos Cares.
EARTHCARE – Zoom 3rd Wednesdays 3pm. Discussion/action group seeking spiritual and practical solutions to environmental concerns. MEN’S GROUP – Morning social gathering, 3rd Saturdays – 9am at Celia’s Garden Cafe.
HEALING SERVICE – FACEBOOK – A time for prayers for healing at the 10:30  service on 5th Sundays.
HOLLISTER INSTITUTE – Opportunities for stimulating discussion and thoughtful exploration on Tuesdays at 10:15am on Zoom.
LAUNDRY LOVE – Helping low-income families with funds, soap, and friendly assistance at Osos Clean Laundry. 11-1pm and 4-6pm on last Wednesdays
PEOPLE’S KITCHEN – Providing and serving lunch at 40 Prado, 1st  Saturday of even-numbered months
VESPERS AND CONVERSATION  – Zoom –  5:30 pm Tuesdays

VESTRY / PARISH COUNCIL – ZOOM –  3rd Sundays at 12:30pm.          

  • Maureen Titus, Presiding Warden
  • Lisa Gonzalez, Treasurer
  • Sandy Fisher, People’s Warden
  • Pamela Bleisch
  • Cathy Gildea
  • Esta Kandarian
  • Michael Lucas
  • Brian Spolarich

We are grateful for God’s financial providence and blessing. Thank you for making your offerings by mail to our PO Box, or on-line.


March Potluck – Potluck for March will be held on March 10th to coincide with the Bishops visit.

In Anticipation of Bishop Lucinda’s Official Visit March 10th – Please contact Rev Jen Crompton or Lisa Gonzalez as soon as possible if you would like to be Confirmed or Received in the Episcopal Church or wish to Reaffirm your vows in the Episcopal Church. 

Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation are concurrent rites where a mature commitment to Christ is welcomed by the Church through the laying on of hands by a bishop. Confirmation is for those wishing to affirm the commitments made for them at their baptism. Reception is for those previously confirmed in another Church who now find their ministry in the Episcopal Church. Reaffirmation is for those who desire to recommit themselves to the vows made at their baptism.  

All three require a period of guided preparation and self-examination, which St. Benedict’s offers, in anticipation of a Bishop Lucinda’s official  visit on Sunday March 10th.

The Tuesday Spiritual Discussion group – 

“Our Living Compass theme for the 2024 Lent season is Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind. Designed for both individual reflection and group study, this daily devotional provides a foundation for seeking a deeper experience of Lent — one that prepares us for the coming of Easter.”

The Tuesday Spiritual Discussion group will be using an Lenten program sponsored by a group called Living Compass. The six-week program includes Sunday and weekday meditations for the Lenten season. We will begin the program on Tuesday February 20, 2024 at 10.30 on Zoom. The program booklets are available as pdf electronic copies for free or a print copy available for $1.00 plus postage. A limited number of print copies have been received and will be available in the back of the church. If you are not planning on attending the Tuesday group, feel free to take one of the booklets for your personal use.

Order booklets at
Tuesdays at 10:30 on Zoom.

Docent Training at Mission San Luis Obispo! – On Saturday, March 16 the Mission San Luis Obispo Docents will provide their annual Spring Training Session. Dan Krieger will present the origins and special history of Mission San Luis Obispo in the morning. Docents will conduct demonstration visitor tours of the church and grounds. Lunch will be provided in the Parish Hall. To register, contact Mission San Luis Obispo Docents or visit the Parish website at For more information, please call 805-550-7713 or email

PERSONAL PRAYER – If you’d like prayer support during the week, contact Sandy Fisher (661) 805-2882. If no answer, please leave a message and your call will be returned. Prayer requests may also be emailed at any time to and requests for pastoral care may be sent to

This Week at St Ben’s


  • 8:00a  Contemplative Service in person and on Zoom
  • 10:30a  Eucharist, in-person and livestreamed on FB


  • 3:30p  Liturgy Committee Zoom


  • 9:45a  Prayers for the Morning Zoom
  • 10:30a  Spiritual Conversation Zoom


  • 11a Laundry Love
  • 4p Laundry Love
  • 7p CCRT Rehearsal


  • 10:30a  Eucharist, in-person and livestreamed on FB
  • 2p SLO Deanery

Service leaflets for Sunday services and Vespers are available under the Worship tab on our website


RALPH’S CARD: Please consider registering your Food for Less or Ralph’s card as donating to St Benedict’s. In the last quarter 20 households contributed this way and we received over $200. Searching by our organization number HV013 is much easier when signing up.

Take Action on Our Church’s Values: The Episcopal Church provides a great set of Action Alerts on key issues before Congress. The alerts help Episcopalians automate expressing our views to our representatives in Congress. You also can edit your messages to personalize your concerns. A recent Alert of note is “Urge Congress to Pass Voting Rights Legislation.”

A reminder that all organic waste must now be put into a green container not into the trash. Thank you to Ron Thompson for getting us a new compost container – note that it is WHITE. Less organic waste in the landfill means less methane and less global warming. In SLO County green waste means food waste and paper napkins/paper towels that have been used for food waste, flowers and other organic material but NOT items that are labeled compostable like plates, cutlery etc. Thank you for caring for the planet and obeying the law. No bags of any kind may go in the compost or the recycle bins.

BIDDING BOOK PRAYERS – If you’d like to request prayers for someone to have their names read out during the worship services on Sunday, please write them in the bidding book on the stand by the usher’s station as you come into church.

UKRAINIAN REFUGEES in Poland need help. We are sending money to Caro’s sisters church in Nowy Sacz, Poland. Please put “Ukraine” on your check or on-line gift.

NAME TAGS –  We are asking everyone to wear a name tag.   Please check the name tag board by the door for yours.  If you don’t have one, or if an old one has become too shabby, please ask the office to make one for you. In the meantime, you can fill out an adhesive tag for the day. 


Our 8am and 10:30 am Sunday services are Eucharist services, held indoors at the church for anyone wishing to attend in person.

The 8:00 am service will also be available on Zoom.  There is no 8am service on the first Sunday of each month.

The 10:30 am service will also be live-streamed for those who watch remotely — either on  Facebook at  or through our website at

Service leaflets for both services are available under the Worship tab on our website:

Unless otherwise stated, our meetings happen on Zoom:    Passcode is: 93402


ABUNDANCE SHOP– Thrift shop at 2025 9th St.

COMMUNITY DINNER – Providing and serving food at SBCC, on 1st Wednesday of odd-numbered months, in conjunction with Los Osos Cares.

EARTHCARE – Discussion/action group seeking local solutions to environmental concerns.  3rd Wednesdays 3:00 pm on ZOOM

HEALING SERVICE – A time for prayers for healing at the 10:30 service on 5th Sundays.

HOLLISTER INSTITUTE – Opportunities for stimulating discussion and thoughtful exploration on Tuesdays at 10:15am on ZOOM. 

LAUNDRY LOVE – Helping low-income families with funds, soap, and friendly assistance at Osos Clean Laundry. 11am and 4pm on last Wednesday of each month.

MEN’S BREAKFAST GROUP – Morning social gathering, 3rd Saturdays 9am at Celia’s Garden Cafe

PEOPLE’S KITCHEN – Providing and serving lunch at 40 Prado, 1st Saturday of even numbered months

SPIRITUAL CONVERSATION – a lively on-line conversation, often based on a book. Tuesdays 10:15am