ABUNDANCE SHOP– Thrift shop at 2025 9th St. Closed until Jan 5th COMMUNITY DINNER – Providing and serving food at SBCC, on 1st Thursday of odd-numbered months, in conjunction with Los Osos Cares. EARTHCARE – ZOOM – 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 2:30pm. Discussion/action group seeking spiritual and practical solutions to environmental concerns. HEALING SERVICE – FACEBOOK – A time for prayers for healing at the 10:30 service on 5th Sundays HOLLISTER INSTITUTE – ZOOM –Opportunities for stimulating discussion and thoughtful exploration. Currently: “Becoming Wise” book discussion starts on Jan 5: Tuesdays at 10:15; and Bible Study of Romans Thursdays at 11am LAUNDRY LOVE – Helping low-income families with funds, soap, and friendly assistance at Osos Clean Laundry. 3-7pm on last Wednesdays PEOPLE’S KITCHEN – Providing and serving lunch at 40 Prado, 1st Saturday of even-numbered months SATURDAY EUCHARIST – FB –Evening Eucharist on 2nd Saturdays at 5:30pm VESPERS AND CONVERSATION – ZOOM – 5:30 pm Tuesdays VESTRY / PARISH COUNCIL – ZOOM –3rd Sundays at 12:30pm.
The Rev. Dr. Caroline Hall, Rector Stef Shuman, Sr. Warden Jane Wu, Jr. Warden Lisa Gonzalez, Treasurer, Lorienne Schwenk, Clerk Diana Hammerlund, Esta Kandarian, Alan Kiste, and Michael Lucas
Bidding Book Prayers – If you’d like to request prayers for someone and have their names read out during the online worship services on Sunday, please submit their names to stefshuman@sbcglobal.net during the week (by Friday).
Jan 11 Roz Malone Jan 15 Faye Hogan
We are grateful for God’s financial providence and blessing. Thank you for making your offerings by mail to our PO Box, or on-line https://www.StBensLosOsos.org/support-us/
St.Benedict’s Connections – Please stay in touch with your St. Benedict’s cloister, and do not hesitate to contact Caro+ at 805-704-5826 caro@stbenslososos.org. She loves to hear from you. In an emergency, texts are best.
This Week at St. Benedict’s
- Sunday Jan 10
- 8:00 am Worship on Zoom
- Monday, Jan 11 Rector’s Sabbath
- Tuesday, Jan 12 (all Zoom)
- 9:45 am Prayers in the Morning
- 10:15 am Hollister conversation “On Becoming Wise”
- 5:30 pm Vespers
- Thursday, Jan 14
- 11 am Bible Study Zoom
- Sunday Jan 15
HOMELESSNESS FORUM LOCAC will be holding an on-line forum on Homelessness Compassion and Action on Tuesday, January 26 6-8:30 pm, to talk about the situation in Los Osos and the county as a whole. You can sign up to receive the event link at Evenbrite.
HOLLISTER INSTITUTE CLASS Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living by Krista Tippett Krista Tippett is a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster, National Humanities Medalist, and New York Times bestselling author. She created and hosts the national public radio show and podcast “On Being” which shines a light on people whose insights kindle in us a sense of wonder and courage. Scientists, theologians, poets, activists, and many others have opened themselves up to Tippett’s compassionate yet searching conversation. In Becoming Wise, Tippett distills the insights she has gleaned from this luminous conversation in its many dimensions into a coherent narrative journey, over time and from mind to mind. The book is a master class in living, curated by Tippett and accompanied by a delightfully ecumenical dream team of teaching faculty. Join us Tuesday mornings at 10:15 for this discussion, on Zoom. The class is preceded by Prayers for the Morning, starting at 9:45. am.
Mutual Ministry Review is HERE! The Mutual Ministry Review [MMR] is part of our formal self-evaluation by the congregation prior to the Parish Council going into retreat to plan for 2021. The ‘mutual’ part of the review means we solicit and indeed, rely, on your comments and concerns to obtain a clear image to reflect upon. The more participation we receive the better we may fine tune our outreach and worship. Our survey/review asks for! your comments based on six questions that cover all aspects of our lives in community.
We will be asking you to give your feedback in any of three manners:
- Parish Council Outreach [telephone]. All members and friends listed in our directory will be contacted by a member of the Parish Council by telephone. If you have chosen another method to record your responses, we are happy to just have you tell us so, otherwise we hope to get your real time testimony.
- Survey Monkey Online [anonymous]. Beginning January 5 and ending January 16 you may use the following link to allow you to have access to the survey:
- Good Old Paper [you may volunteer your name or remain anonymous]. On Sunday January 10 we will have paper copies of the survey available at the 9:30 service.
ANNUAL MEETING REPORTS DUE January 17 In preparation for our Annual Meeting on January 31st, we are soliciting written reports from parish ministries such as: Earthcare, Hollister Institute, Parish Staff Liaison Team, Music Program, Canterbury/Shire, Service and Social Justice Outreach, Abundance Shop, People’s Kitchen, Laundry Love, Community Dinner Program, Stewardship Team, and Membership Committee. If you are involved in any of these, or other areas overlooked, and can write a summary of activities in 2020, please submit your report to the Parish Office by January 17th. Stef will be in contact with key leadership in each area.
Personal Prayer – A member of the Healing Prayer Ministry team is available each week to pray with you for special concerns. If you’d like this prayer support this week, contact Jill Denton at 805-704-1364. If no answer, please leave a message and your call will be returned.
- Looking Ahead
- Jan 20 – EarthCare Zoom Meeting
- Jan 27 – Laundry Love
- Jan 28 – Healing Ministry Zoom Meeting
- Jan 31 – Annual Meeting
Be well, be safe, and stay in touch.